
Giving serious thought or consideration to knowledge, self-growth, and expansion of consciousness.

Your choices matter. Literally.


Quantum Physics proves that everything in the Universe consists of energy. Thoughts and emotions are energy that materialize, creating your reality.

Your awareness, discernment and choices create your life experience.

Your thoughts and emotions create your experience

Everything in our material existence begins with choice. What we see and experience is metaphysical energy expressed as our material existence. Our choices come from our thoughts and emotions, pushing and pulling us to move about our existence. We can see the impact of our internal thoughts and emotions through the choices we make. Our choices bring opportunities, rewards, lessons and sometimes regret and hardship. We alter our reality with every choice. So, it’s important to choose wisely.

Everything begins with awareness of self. We make choices from our level of understanding, playing out patterns that influence our reality. These patterns are called archetypes. They impact who, when and why we engage with certain people in our lives; in friendships, with lovers, with colleagues, within our communities. Crossing the lines of our choices and our destiny. 

Your Human Design reveals your best methods for sound decisions. Self-awareness leads to skilful choices; which leads to a clearer path and enlightened purpose.


Our human design code plays a leading role in our lives through deep inclinations to respond to our environments in ways that feel true. Attuning to our power centers, we can recognize indicators of power loss and listen to our authority for making clear decisions. Greater awareness of our strengths and key areas to practice discernment will help us stabilize our mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health. Our aspirations, response to challenges, and our relationships are driven by our daily thoughts, feelings and behaviours. These factors are conditioned by our human design makeup and our environments, each impacting the other in an internal and external dance via a symphony of choices, habits, situational dynamics, circumstances, teachable moments, and lessons. Unlocking these codes empower us to live our life with passion and purpose, optimizing our strengths and harmonizing our shadows. With understanding and practice, we can bring our strengths forward and gain confidence through recognizing our power within. 



To maximize your potential, you must first know yourself. 

Who are you in the world?

Do you know who you are inside?

How do you show up in service of others?

Do you think you're better than or less than others?

Are you living your life with clear intention and purpose?

Do you view yourself as a hero?

How do you treat people?

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Maya Angelou

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