Human Design – Who cares? If you don’t, who will?
YOUR HUMAN DESIGN CODE PLAYS A LEADING ROLE IN YOUR LIFE Our human design code plays a leading role in our life through deep inclinations to respond to our environments in ways that feel true and untrue. When we tune into our power centers, we find clues that indicate...
Discovering Superpowers – Preparing Teen Superheroes
HUMAN DESIGN - POWER CENTERS & SUPERPOWERSThe Human Design System is a comprehensive behavioural and life purpose model that evaluates active power centers and character attributes, with key clues for decision making according to unique designs and patterns...
Uniquely Human – What is Your Design?
DISCOVERING POWER, PURPOSE & POTENTIAL with two words. HUMAN DESIGN. It’s Not a Luxury. It’s a Necessity. Know Your Human Design. Or, spend a lifetime figuring it out. IMAGINE you’ve met the love of your life and you wonder... Will I be able to sustain a loving...
A 3/5 Manifestor's Superpowers