
Giving serious thought or consideration to knowledge, self-growth, and expansion of consciousness



Giving serious thought or consideration to knowledge, self-growth, and expansion of consciousness



Giving serious thought or consideration to knowledge, self-growth, and expansion of consciousness

Human Design, Your Personal Roadmap & Operations Manual

There are multiple systems and tools available to understand your personality makeup, what drives your behaviour, and what makes you tick the way you do, but the Human Design System is the most comprehensive to date. It describes your conscious and unconscious potentials, optimal strategies for making sound decisions, and the inherent power centers you can rely on with confidence. In other words, what is your blueprint for making successful commitments and where should you practice discernment? Are you clear about who you are and when others are projecting their perspectives onto you? What does that even mean? How do you know which ‘voice’ to listen to? Are you aware of those nudges and intuitive hits that prompt you into action or inaction? What area of your body activates when you make a decision that feels right or wrong for you? The answers to these questions are inside of you. The Human Design system reveals those insights so you can embrace your power and purpose with greater ease and flow.

You are here to forward evolution for humanity through living your highest creative expression of self. Human Design is your personal chart and roadmap to discover your power and purpose.

Spiritual Gangster

Human Design is a science-based character blueprint and life purpose model that describes an individual’s personality-genetic code. Personal attributes and traits are specified in an intricate and precise system combining mathematics, science, philosophy, astrology, kabbalah, i-ching and jungian archetypes. 

Revealing a built-in compass of inherent perceptions, instincts, motivations, aptitudes and capabilities, charts specify decision-making drivers, strengths, and influences a person can navigate and develop to cultivate growth. Profile data describes reliable power centres, thought tendencies and behavioural patterns disclosing dispositions that are certain to course through a person’s life experience. 

Human Design individualized reports equip individuals with a personalized operations manual, instructing strengths and areas of discernment for engaging in relationships and pivotal life decisions. Individuals seeking to fulfil their lifepath with purpose can utilize and optimize their human potential in accordance with their design, harmonizing internal attributes with the external world.


Five Energy Types

Six Authorities

Nine Centers – Based on the Chakra energy centers

36 Channels – Based on the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah

64 Gates – Based on the I-Ching & 64 genetic codons

12 Profiles – Jungian Archetypes

192 Incarnation Crosses (Sun & Earth paths)

Six Levels

13 Astrological Influences

Over 100 billion unique probabilities and potentials

One system that works


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